Friday, September 7, 2012

How do I view my child's results?

You can find your child's results in a few different ways.  Simply set aside time to talk to your child's teacher.  Ask to see the MAP Progress Report.  This is a report designed for you as a parent and will show how your child is doing in reading, mathematics and language usage.  The report will also show how your child is doing compared to other children in the district and/or country.  The report will look at the different content areas, and show areas of strength and areas that may need some extra support.  Talk with your child's teacher to get ideas how to support your child at home.

Also, you can log in to your Power School account.  If you do not know your password, call your child's school.  They will quickly and easily be able to provide you that information.  The first time you log in, you will be guided through a process to create an account.  Once you log in, you will be taken to your child's grade and their attendance report.  On the left side, find TEST HISTORY.  Click on the link and you will be taken to the Test Score page.  Look for MAP.  You will find sections for MAP reading, mathematics and language usage.  You will see the grade level in which the assessment was taken, their RIT score (explained in an earlier posting), the national percentile and a proficiency level.  The newest MAP results are posted after the district MAP window closes.  Our fall window closes mid-October, so check back for your child's fall results.

Very simple and LOTS OF INFORMATION!