Saturday, January 19, 2013

MAP Window is Open!

The MAP assessment window has opened at our schools.  What can you do to help your child prepare you ask?  Here are a few tips that might help.  These are tips for any type of classroom assessment, MAP or SBA's.
  1. Make attendance a priority, especially on days you know some type of testing is occurring - be it a MAP test, an SBA, or a classroom assessment.  It is critical for your child to be at school as many days as possible.  Missed instruction simply cannot be made up.  Even if you ask for work for your child, the instruction that is provided during the school day cannot be replicated.
  2. Make note of test days on your calendar.  Everything from a spelling test, to a math assessment, to a high-stakes assessment...  by noting it on your calendar, both you and your child will know when test days are happening.
  3. Look over your child's homework daily.  If your child is struggling, talk with your child's teacher and find out how you can help.
  4. Set a bedtime, and stick to it.  It is easy to underestimate the importance of enough sleep.  Tired children have difficulty focusing on learning or tasks.  So, lots of sleep is needed!
  5. Don't forget to eat breakfast!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day they say.  So, have a healthy breakfast low in sugar.  Our kiddos learn better when they have a full tummy!