Friday, September 7, 2012

Ways To Help Your Child With Testing

   Meet with your child's teacher as often as needed to discuss progress.  Ask the teacher to suggest activities you and your child can do at home to help move your child to the next level.
   Provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.
   Make sure your child is well rested on school days.  Children who are tired are less able to pay attention in class.
   Give your child a well-rounded diet.  A healthy body leads to a healthy, active mind.
   Provide books and magazines for your child to read at home.  By reading new materials, a child learns new words that might appear on a test.  Ask your child's school to suggest outside reading.  Visit the library often.
   Read 20 minutes with your child each day.  Take turns - read to them, have them to read to you!

(From the NWEA Parent Toolkit)